In the second part of this fascinating interview, Pat Smith dives deeper into her path of transparency with host Deya Direct!. Pat reveals more about the highs and low's of Hollywood, her journey into marriage the second time around, ministry and the life-changing moment of her calling. Deya also makes a confession about her calling.
Key Takeaways:
[2:34] We pick up where we left of talking about rejection, insecurity, frustration and finally FORGIVENESS in relationships. Sometimes you get mad at yourself when things don't work out. Pat argues "It's not always about the other people, we've got to forgive ourselves first to be released"
[3:15] We discover how Pat's craving to be in a "safe place" and how her sister Pam encouraged her to get closer to God in her toughest moments and how it was one of the most divine 2nd chance moments of her life. "If somebody's not quite there, don't give up on them, keep planting the seeds" She learned about how deep God's love was for her despite feelings of unworthiness and stupidly at her actions, "He still loves me, he's still got me, he can still use me"
[10:30] We begin to learn about her pathway to ministry and she shares her testimony. Knowing God's value will allow all of the hurt, disappointment, shame, etc to not keep you down. Pat's Testimony: "God will take your misery and turn it into ministry."
[11:55] Accepting the call to Ministry was not an easy task, it was filled with self doubt, but through that Pat knew she valued the safe place she found with her good friend Sheree Smith (now Fletcher) in her time of need after leaving Martin. "I have a specific heart for women because I know what it's like to walk out of the door of a very 'safe place', you think.....from the sense of security, but she (Sheree) really provided me a safe place- security, where I could cry and heal without judgement or shame" Pat explains that before she was called to ministry, she was called to help women.
[16:45] From the outside looking in, Pat's life can seem perfect, but she wants us to know that not only is that not true, it's bothersome. "That's probably one of my pet peeves, when people pre-judge me because it takes away my battle wounds, it takes away my journey, and the ability for me to help inspire you.
[18:20] The level of transparency that Pat's adopted recently is new for her, she shares how she got comfortable, why it was necessary and what the result was. "It takes so much energy and effort to fake it, to pretend, rather than to be yourself"
Over time, she learned that creating the "knight in shining armor" persona for your partner is a slippery slope.
Then Deya drops this gem..."Everybody wants the testimony, but no one wants the test" - DD
[28:37] Before closing out Pat tells us about the ups and downs of living life with someone in the spotlight from NFL Superstar to Dancing With The Stars and easy it is to lose yourself and how jealousy can show up in your spirit simply because you aren't living in your truth and purpose.
"Men can choose themselves...I gave up things he didn't even ask me to give up" DD
"When God pushed me out of my truth, I realized it's really powerful to be transparent" PS
[38:00] Getting permission to share your truth is important, Pat had to talk to Emmitt, Martin and event her Bonus Daughter Mom before she was able to share her truths in her book, Second Chances. "A testimony out of season can be dangerous" PS
Pat and Deya share their experiences in getting comfortable sharing their ministry and Pat prophetically gives encouragement to Deya on sharing her ministry. Deya remembers God saying to her "I didn't bring you through this to destroy you, I did it to redirect you" DD
[44:30] So, what has marriage taught Pat about herself?? That you have to WORK at it! "Don't wait til the care breaks down to take it in for service, keep your marriage serviced." Also, she didn't have all 5 kids by herself, so it's important to share your wants, needs and desires with your partner. "It has to be a partnership"

This episode was brought to you by Well Being Trust, a national foundation dedicated to advancing the mental, social and spiritual health of the nation
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