Taking control of your destiny is easier said than done, but that's exactly what entrepreneur and TV host Mahisha Dellinger did. As a 'chameleon', Mahisha has learned to adapt, grow and to understand that sometimes, change is overwhelming (and that's ok!). Deya and Mahisha also discuss postpartum depression and how to Mind Your Business.
Key Takeaways:
[3:04] Mahisha shares how and why she started Curls Inc and how she switched gears from being an employee to an employer.
[4:06] Learn Mahisha's game plan to make the transition and how she did her due diligence to find the most viable business she could start.
"Only thing I learned from corporate American about running a business is that you have to be agile, you have to be swift and you also have to have a plan, that's what I learned from Intel." - MD
"That's the piece of being an entrepreneur, know what you don't know and hire someone who knows it" -MD
[5:56] How you start your business without capital up front and the importance of living below your means and reinvesting the money your business generates for the first 3 years.
"I had to start small and that caused me to learn the business inside and out" - MD
"It caused me to be smart about every dollar I earned because potentially, if I would have gotten it all early on, I potentially could have misspent it. I learned a lot about managing money and I shifted my perspective about money during those early years" - MD
"I wanted it so desperately and I believed in it, so I was willing to take that chance" - MD
[7:40} KEEP YOUR DAY JOB! Use your corporate job to finance your business funding.
[9:18] Learn how to market your business, you have to go where the customer is.
"When you're a brand new business, you have to let people experience it" -MD
[10:27] Mahisha's daily routine and how it enabled her to achieve the goal of building Curls.
"I had a full-time day that I split in half between 2 jobs" -MD
[11:54] Building a successful business is great, but how does is affect our family life and what type of support do you need?
[14:00] Mahisha shares her struggle with postpartum depression
“I had to seek help in 2 forms, prayer and therapy” - MD
[16:45] So, how has curls grown over the years and what was that "big break" moment?
[19:00] Decision fatigue is real and self-care is important, so learn how to “work hard, play hard” successfully!
[21:38] Tips to pitch your business from Mahisha
1. Know what you’re asking for and how much equity you are willing to give up 2. Know what you are going to use the money for and how quickly you’ll be able to pay it back. 3. Know your numbers!
[23:22] Black Girls Making Millions Academy is announced!
[24:24] Power word for today is GROWTH
“Baby steps are still steps in your growth process” - DD
Stay encouraged!

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