Welcome to the SuperpowHer Podcast: The SuperpowHer Podcast is back, and better than ever with a new look, feel and format! In the premiere episode for 2019, and Season 3, Host, Love & Life Coach Deya Direct breaks down how three cluttered areas in your life could be blocking your vision and your blessings. Plus, she features the Relationship Scientist, Ryeal Simms as they share much-needed tips and tools for women to attract the right men.
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In this episode, we discuss: 3 Reasons Your Vision May Be Blurry or Feel Blocked.
Unclutter Your Head Space - Mental clutter leads to congestion in our inner world. It gets in the way of being able to think clearly, and to focus on what really matters. This year, live your best life by decluttering your mind.
Unclutter Your Heart - Emotional clutter can include forgiveness, hatred, bitterness, resentfulness, regret, fear ( anxiety). Like mind clutter, Heart clutter is often related to the past. It’s soul ties and memories from past relationships – be it family, platonic or romantic. Most of us keep a large cabinet of mental drawers stored in the back of our minds. These drawers are filled with mistakes made, opportunities missed, hurt, past grievances, and so forth.
Unclutter Your Home - Having an unorganized home or office space can interfere with your ability to think straight. That’s why before I work on my vision board I make sure I clean up my space to set the atmosphere for clarity and flow.
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SUPERPOWER - su·per·pow·er noun: It’s what makes you special and gives you the power to produce extraordinary results.
I believe in leveraging every personal and professional experience by learning your lessons and making your pain pay you back! - Deya Direct
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